Who’s zooming who?

Credits to Aretha Franklin for the title.

Let’s discuss sexual harassment and sexual abuse.

Disclaimer, blatant examples of harassment and subtle examples of abuse are unexcusable.

Raise your hand if you, personally, regardless of sex/gender/identification, have never had anyone, of either sex, make unwanted advances towards your self. I imagine there are few, possibly no, hands raised. If your hand is raised, I’m kinda sorry you lived such a sheltered life. The only thing most people seem to be good at is eating, sleeping, and screwing.

On the off chance you’re more adept than the majority of your brethren, are you more Emile Durkheim, or do you have a more Marxist, Engel’s tilt?

Durkheinm is more “Brave New World”, while Marx believes in a natural progression of society driven by a conflict theory of societal interaction.

Now, I need to eat dinner.

Talk amongst yourselves

Come Meet a Black Person

Stop judging. It sounds bad, but I think it’s actually kinda cool.

This was before it happened:

I just watched the local TV news on the event. I couldn’t find it on their website (WSB Atlanta), it’ll probably be there tomorrow.

Apparently, it was a much bigger hit than even the organizers expected. People drove hours to get there. This is not fake news.

Because of the popularity of this founding event, the organizers have decided to take the enlightening experience on the road. Dates and locations TBD.

I grew up in Atlanta. When I went to college in Colorado, I remember my roommate telling me about his first experience meeting a black person, when he was a teenager.

People in big cities in their glass, yes glass, castles forget how large The United States of America is.

Most people who think they don’t like some other group of people usually only know what others have told them about that group.

Breaking down these barriers of simple ignorance helps to overcome the concept of race. See Abraham Lincoln, “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”

The concept of race is a social construct. It’s only real because we people believe it is real.

There are more differences within groups than between groups.

Awesome Baked Sweet Potato Made Easy

I almost always use this method to bake sweet potatos. Thank you Laura from Empowered Sustenance, from whom I got this recipe.

  • Put baking sheet lined with foil on the lowest rack of your oven. (Don’t put the foil directly on the bottom of the oven.) This will catch any of the syrup that may escape from the sweet potatoes. For easy cleanup, simply remove the foil and throw it away after baking the sweet potatoes.
  • Don’t preheat the oven. Prick your sweet potatoes each 2-3 time with a fork, then place them directly on the oven rack in the middle of the oven, above the rack with the foil. Turn the oven on to 425.
  • Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter. For sweet potatoes that are up to 4 inches in diameter, bake for an hour. For super large sweet potatoes, bake for an hour and 15 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, don’t open the oven but turn it off. Let the sweet potatoes sit in the oven for at least 30 minutes but up to an hour. Remove from the oven and eat immediately, or remove the skin and store in a container in the fridge.


Population growth and its effects on society.

Without a doubt, the worldwide increase in population is changing the how people interact with each other and their environment. Let’s list some of the ways in which the growth in population

  • Increased conflict in a fight for limited resources
  • Increased specificity in work, in order to increase production
  • Increased geographical movement of individuals in order to attain centralized jobs
  • Advent of megachurches to support large urban populations where many of the inhabitants are transplants.
  • Innovative methods of increasing food production – large indoor greenhouses
  • Need for greater level of social control and social normalcy, living closer together necessitates being more aware of others and how your actions affect them.
  • the larger society grows the more people are forced to either become more obedient or live more disconnected from the core of society.

Remember these are just thoughts, mostly of mine, but not all.

If you have a good one for the list, or you would like to talk about one of the ones I posted please use the comment section.